ChatGPT 4 for free in VSCode for iOS and macOS app development

Why move from Xcode to VSCode

Transitioning from Xcode to Visual Studio Code (VSCode) marks a shift towards a more versatile and open-source development environment. Xcode, native to the Apple ecosystem, is known for its seamless integration with iOS and macOS development.

However, embracing VSCode brings a cross-platform experience, enabling developers to work on projects for various platforms with ease. VSCode's lightweight and extensible nature provides a refreshing change, allowing users to customize their coding environment with a myriad of extensions. While Xcode offers an integrated suite for Apple-specific development, VSCode supports a broader range of languages and frameworks, fostering a more flexible development workflow.

Navigating this transition may require adapting to new features and workflows, but the payoff lies in the enhanced flexibility and community-driven support that VSCode brings to the table. You can download VSCode from here.

ChatGPT 4 + VSCode are the ultimate developer tools

The synergy between Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and the ChatGPT 4 assistant creates an ideal pairing for app development. VSCode's lightweight, highly customizable, and cross-platform nature provides a versatile coding environment that caters to diverse development needs. Its extensive library of extensions and powerful features enhances productivity and streamlines the development process.

When complemented with the ChatGPT 4 assistant, developers gain an intelligent and context-aware companion. ChatGPT 4 can assist in problem-solving, generating code snippets, and providing valuable insights, significantly boosting productivity.

The combination fosters a dynamic and efficient development workflow, where developers can seamlessly switch between coding tasks and conversational interactions, making the app development process more collaborative, adaptive, and innovative.

How can we get ChatGPT 4 for free

Well, you need to join Codeium Chat’s GPT-4 Beta waiting list here. If you want priority access I can give you a referral link to give you priority access to the waiting list queue. All you have to do is DM me on X/Twitter.

Once approved go to and sign up / login and get the VSCode extension here. Install it.

How to put Xcode autocompletion into VSCode

You won't be able to uninstall Xcode and transition entirely to another IDE. Xcode remains indispensable for development, offering essential features such as SwiftUI previews, a debugger, an editor for project settings, signing management, and more. While some of these tasks can be accomplished through the command line, the effort involved may not justify the switch.

This configuration allows you to code in VSCode for an extended period, resorting to Xcode only when necessitated by specific features. This approach proves particularly effective when facing substantial coding tasks with minimal need for frequent application launching and debugging.

The primary advantage lies in enhancing your ability to refactor and navigate through your code, especially considering that few IDEs match Xcode's shortcomings in this regard.

Below you will find steps to make autocompletion work in Visual Studio Code when you open a folder with any iOS/macOS project.

  1. Install the official Swift extension created by Swift Server Work Group.

  2. Build your project in Xcode.

  3. Download or clone the repository of xcode-build-server.

  4. Create a link file to xcode-build-server file from the downloaded directory:

5. Navigate to your project and run:

If you have a workspace run this instead:

This will create a buildServer.json. Open the directory with your iOS project in Visual Studio Code. Autocompletion should work automatically.


In conclusion, transitioning from Xcode to Visual Studio Code (VSCode) signifies a strategic move towards a more flexible and inclusive development environment. While Xcode excels in its integration within the Apple ecosystem, VSCode introduces a cross-platform experience that accommodates a broader range of languages and frameworks.

The lightweight and extensible nature of VSCode, coupled with its extensive library of extensions, provides developers with a customizable and powerful coding environment. The collaboration between VSCode and the ChatGPT 4 assistant further elevates the development process by offering an intelligent and context-aware companion, enhancing problem-solving and code generation capabilities.

While Xcode remains crucial for specific tasks, the flexibility, productivity, and community-driven support make the transition to VSCode a rewarding endeavor for developers seeking innovation in their app development workflow. To explore these benefits, developers can download VSCode and join the Codeium Chat’s GPT-4 Beta waiting list for a comprehensive and cutting-edge development experience.