30 Xcode Keyboard Shortcuts You NEED to Know

30 Xcode Keyboard Shortcuts You NEED to Know

In this video, I'm going to teach you 30 Xcode keyboard shortcuts you NEED to know. These shortcuts will come in handy when you're using Xcode to debug your apps or write code. Xcode is a powerful development tool and knowing the keyboard shortcuts will make working with it much faster and easier. In this video, I'll show you all 30 keyboard shortcuts and explain why they're so important. After watching this video, you'll be able to work faster and more efficiently with Xcode! If you're a developer, then you know how important it is to study and use Xcode keyboard shortcuts. In this video, we'll share with you some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for iOS development. From working with different files and projects to debugging and testing your apps, these shortcuts will make your life as a developer a lot easier!

00:00 INTRO

01:10 ⌘ + B: Build the project

01:24 ⌘ + R: Run the application

01:38 ⇧ + ⌘ + K: Clean build folder

02:00 ⌘ + ⇧ + O: Open quickly

02:28 ⌘ + ⇧ + L: Open library

02:52 ⌃ + 6: List all methods in file

03:36 ⇧ + ⌥ + ⌘ + ←: Fold all methods

03:55 ⇧ + ⌥ + ⌘ + →: Unfold all methods

04:15 ⌘ + ⌥ + ←: Fold method in scope

04:35 ⌘ + ⌥ + →: Unfold method in scope

04:46 ⌘ + T: Open new tab

05:00 ⌘ + W: Close current tab

05:09 ⌘ + ⌥ + W: Close other tabs

05:25 ⌘ + ⌥ + [: Move line(s) upward

05:46 ⌘ + ⌥ + ]: Move line(s) downward

06:08 ⇧ + ⌘ + Y: Show/Hide the console

06:30 ⌘ + /: Comment/Uncomment code

06:54 ⌘ + 0: Show/Hide Navigator

07:03 ⌘ + 1-8: Open any navigator tab

07:17 ⌥ + ⌘ + 0: Show/Hide Inspector

07:25 ⌥ + ⌘ + 1-4: Open any inspector tab

07:41 ⌘ + F: Find

07:57 ⌘ + G: Find next

08:08 ⇧ + ⌘ + G: Find previous

08:16 ⌘ + ⇧ + F: Find globally

08:43 ⌃ + I: Indent

09:20 ⌥ + ⌘ + /: Inline documentation

09:43 ⌥ + ⌘ + RETURN: Show/Hide Canvas

10:10 ⌃ + ⇧ + ⌘ + M: Show/Hide Minimap

10:40 ⌘ + 1-2: Simulator size

10:58 ⌘ + →: Simulator orientation

11:10 ⌘ + K: Simulator keyboard

11:32 ⌥ + DRAG: Multi insert


Don’t forget to download the resources: → here


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